1 1/2 cups water
2 chicken breasts
1 boullion cube/packet
veggies (I used frozen because I didn't have a lot of time)
ginger root
3 garlic cloves(chopped or crushed)
salt & pepper

1. Cook chicken breasts. I was in a hurry, so I just used our foreman grill. You can bbq them, cook them in the oven, or fry them in a pan.
2. Boil water and dissolve bouillon cube into the water. Pour couscous into a bowl, and pour the boiling water over top. The couscous will suck up all of the water.

3. Stir fry veggies.
4. Cut up the chicken into strips or cubes and season with cumin, salt, and pepper.

5. Add to stir-fry. Also add garlic, and grate some ginger into the pan. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes.

6. Spoon couscous onto a plate, and place your veggie chicken mixture on top.

Now, to be honest.. this was a little blah. That's cool if you like blah. Next time I will add more garlic and more spices.
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